• LNV Corp. v. Amin

    Publication Date: 2020-07-08
    Practice Area: Landlord Tenant Law
    Court: Civil Court, Bronx
    Judge: Judge David Bryan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Petitioners are Represented By: Stein, Wiener and Roth, L.L.P.
    for defendant: Respondents are Represented By: Pro se

    Case Number: 032975/19

    Owner Satisfied Prima Facie Burden in Holdover Despite Lack of RPAPL §757 Compliance

  • Grand Concourse Estates LLC v. Lithgow

    Publication Date: 2018-05-24
    Practice Area: Contracts | Landlord Tenant Law
    Court: Civil Court, Bronx
    Judge: Judge David Bryan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Petitioner: Trudy-Ann McKenzie, Esq., Caiola & McKenzie, P.C.
    for defendant: Attorney for Respondent: Cristina Quiñones-Betancourt, Esq. of counsel to Jeanette Zelhof, Esq., Mobilization for Justice, Inc.

    Case Number: 75605/2016

    Dismissal of Nonpayment Suit Denied, But Vacatur of Stipulation and Judgments Granted