• Killian v. The Int'l Soc'y of Interdisciplinary Eng'rs LLC

    Publication Date: 2023-01-31
    Practice Area: Labor Law
    Industry: Education | Non-Profit | Technology Media and Telecom
    Court: Delaware Superior Court
    Judge: Judge Davis
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: David A. Felice, Bailey & Glasser, LLP, Wilmington, DE: David Wechsler, Daniel Grossman, Harris St. Lauren & Wechsler LLP, New York, NY for plaintiff.
    for defendant: Jessica C. Watt, Ballard Spahr LLP, Wilmington, DE; Steven Suflas, Ballard Spahr LLP, Salt Lake City, UT; Joseph J. Bailey, Ballard Spahr, Philadelphia, PA for defendants.

    Case Number: N22C-05-11 EMD

    Court declined to dismiss breach of employment contract and wage claims as the parties had a genuine factual dispute over the basis for the termination of employee's employment contract, which could control whether employee was entitled to severance pay required by the agreement.