Publication Date: 2018-08-27
Practice Area: Motor Vehicle Torts
Court: Appellate Division
Judge: Judge Fuentes
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Robin Kay Lord (Law Offices of Robin Kay Lord, LLC and Kardos, Rickles, Hand & Bidlingmaier, attorneys; Robin Kay Lord and Cliffor D. Bidlingmaier, III, on the brief)
for defendant: Elizabeth C. Chierici (Chierici, Chierici & Smith, attorneys; Donald R. Chierici, Jr., on the brief); William J. O'Kane, Jr. (Archer & Greiner, P.C., attorneys; Frank D. Allen, William J. O'Kane, Jr., and Suzanne K. Collins, on the brief); John Morelli; Lillian L. Nazzaro (Arthur R. Sypek, Jr. Mercer County Counsel, attorney; Lillian L. Nazzaro, Assistant County Counsel, on the brief)
Case Number: A-4754-16T4
Existence of "Intimate Familial Relationship" As Basis for Bystander NIED Claim A Factual Determination for Jury