• Matter of Rihana J.H. (Quiana J.), NA-XXXX-16

    Publication Date: 2017-03-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Kings County
    Judge: Judge Jacqueline B. Deane
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for the Petitioner: Sharisse Campbell, Administration for Children's Services, Brooklyn, New York.
    for defendant: Counsel for the Respondent: Emma Alpert, Brooklyn Defender Services, Family Defense Practice, Brooklyn, New York. Attorney for the Children: Maria Roumiantseva, Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn, New York.

    Case Number: NA-XXXX-16

    Cite as: Matter of Rihana J.H. (Quiana J.), NA-XXXX-16, NYLJ 1202781298839, at *1 (Fam., KI, Decided February 23, 2017) CASENAME In the Matter of Rihana J.H. A