Publication Date: 2012-07-31
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Judge: District Judge Joseph F. Bianco
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Gurney's Inn Resort & Spa, Ltd. is represented by Franklin C. McRoberts, Esq., and James M. Wicks, Esq., of Farrell Fritz, P.C., Uniondale, NY.
for defendant: Linda Benjamin is represented by Daniella Quitt, Esq. and Joel Carl Feffer of Harwood Feffer, LLP, New York, NY. Thomas Carusona is being represented by Clifford S. Robert, Esq. of Robert & Robert, LLP, Melville, NY.
Case Number: 10-CV-3993 (JFB) (ARL)
Cite as: Gurney's Inn Resort & Spa Ltd. v. Benjamin, 10-CV-3993 (JFB) (ARL), NYLJ 1202565119756, at *1 (EDNY, Decided July 20, 2012)District Judge Jos