• Johnson v. Cordtz et al.

    Publication Date: 2022-10-18
    Practice Area: Creditors' and Debtors' Rights
    Industry: Financial Services and Banking
    Court: Georgia Court of Appeals
    Judge: Judge Mercier
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Larry Johnson, (Johnson Legal Offices L.L.C), Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Richard Alembik, (Richard S. Alembik, P.C.), Decatur, Thomas Clyde, Kurtis Anderson, (Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP), Atlanta, Orion Webb, (Smith, Welch, Webb & White, LLC), Stockbridge, Shimshon Wexler, (S Wexler, LLC), Atlanta, for appellee.

    Case Number: A22A0892

    Court affirms striking of a plaintiff's action pursuant to the Anti-SLAPP statute because defendant's actions were protected speech