Publication Date: 2012-07-25
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
Judge: District Judge Richard J. Sullivan
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiffs are represented by Jason A. Dunn and Melvin R. McVay, Jr. of Phillips Murrah P.C., Oklahoma City, OK. Arthur V. Nealon, Joshua K. Porter, and Jordan A. Cortez of Entwistle & Cappucci LLP, New York, NY. Richard William Gonnello of Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, New York, NY.
for defendant: Defendant Uchitel is represented by Michael S. Finkelstein, Finkelstein & Feil, LLP, Garden City, NY. Defendant Sieburgh is represented by David Bruce Gelfarb, Moss & Kalish, PLLC, New York, NY. *1
Case Number: 09 Civ. 7667
Cite as: Moran v. Goldfarb, 09 Civ. 7667, NYLJ 1202564200139, at *1 (SDNY, d July 16, 2012)District Judge Richard J. Sullivan