• In the Matter of Keith "B.", Respondent, Index Number Redacted by Court

    Publication Date: 2010-10-12
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Clinton County
    Judge: Judge Timothy J. Lawliss
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Clinton County Department of Social Services, Plattsburgh (Michael J. Hartnett, Esq., of counsel) for Petitioner Keith M. Bruno, Esq., Plattsburgh, with and for Stephanie "W." Matthew Douthat, Esq., Plattsburgh, with and for John "W." Nathan "R.", pro se Cheryl Maxwell, Esq., Plattsburgh, Attorney for Jayden "W." and Keith "B."
    for defendant:

    Case Number: Index Number Redacted by Court

    Cite as: Matter of Keith "B.", NYLJ 1202473044511, at *1 (Fam., CL, Decided September 30, 2010)Judge Timothy J. LawlissDecided: September