Publication Date: 2012-08-10
Practice Area:
Court: Family Court, Cattaraugus County, Part 19
Judge: Justice Larry M. Himelein
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Petitioner: Darryl Bloom, Esq., Public Defender's Office, Olean, NY.
for defendant: For the Respondent Jeffrey S.K.: Jessica Anderson, Esq., Southern Tier Legal Services, Olean, NY. For the Respondent Tonya M.C.: Gerald J. Vella, Esq., Springville, NY. Attorney for the Child: Schavon Morgan, Esq., Machias, NY.
Case Number:
Cite as: Matter of Samantha T. v. Jeffrey S.K., NYLJ 1202566792526, at *1 (Fam., Cattaraugus, Decided August 3, 2012)Justice Larry M. Himeleinp class