• Bucaj v. Capra Re, 50826/2014

    Publication Date: 2016-05-27
    Practice Area: Personal Injury
    Industry: Food and Beverage
    Court: Supreme Court, Westchester County
    Judge: Justice Lawrence Ecker
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff: Baker Leshko Saline & Blosser, LLP, White Plains, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant Capra Re Inc.: Paganini, Cioci, Pinter, Cusumano & Farole, Melville, NY. Attorneys for La Fontanella Restaurant: Kelly & Meenagh, LLP, Poughkeepsie, NY.

    Case Number: 50826/2014

    Cite as: Bucaj v. Capra, 50826/2014, NYLJ 1202758685465, at *1 (Sup., WE, Decided May 20, 2016) CASE NAME Vincent Bucaj, Plaintiff v. Capra Re Inc. and La Font

  • A.D., Plaintiff v. C.A., Defendant, [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Publication Date: 2015-08-27
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Westchester County
    Judge: Justice Lawrence Ecker
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Gordon A. Burrows, Esq., White Plains, N.Y.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Plaintiff: Harold, Salant, Strassfield & Spielberg, White Plains, N.Y. Attorney for the Child: John A. Pappalardo, Esq., White Plains, N.Y.

    Case Number: [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Cite as: A.D. v. C.A., [Index Number Redacted by Court], NYLJ 1202735606003, at *1 (Sup., WE, Decided t 13, 2015) Decided:

  • E. M. v. M. M., [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Publication Date: 2015-06-30
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Westchester County
    Judge: Justice Lawrence Ecker
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff: The Penichet Firm, P.C., White Plains, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant: Harold, Salant, Strassfield & Spielberg, White Plains, NY.

    Case Number: [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Cite as: E. M. v. M. M., [Index Number Redacted by Court], NYLJ 1202730787384, at *1 (Sup., WE, Decided June 18, 2015) CASENAME E. M., Plaintiff v. M. M., Def