Publication Date: 2011-06-23
Practice Area:
Court: Supreme Court, New York County, Part 46
Judge: Justice Lucy Billings
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Plaintiff: Matthew D. Brinckerhoff Esq., Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP, Dugan, D'Yans, Gagnon, Kern, McCurdy, Pelaez, Snyder, Walsh, Mack, and Zitis, New York, NY. William Gribben Esq. and Ronald S. Languedoc Esq., Himmelstein, McConnell, Gribben, Donoghue & Joseph, New York, NY. For Plaintiff Doerr: Ronald Aranoff Esq., Hanna R. Neier Esq., and Christian Siebott Esq., Bernstein Liebhard LLP, New York, NY.
for defendant: For the Defendant: Robert D. Goldstein Esq. and Paul N. Gruber Esq., Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C., New York, NY. Harry Frischer Esq., Richard M. Goldstein Esq., and Steven H. Holinstatt Esq., Proskauer Rose LLP, New York, NY.
Case Number: 603468/2009
Cite as: Dugan v. London Terrace Gardens, L.P., 603468/2009, NYLJ 1202498153508, at *1 (Sup., NY, Decided June 6, 2011)Justice Lucy Billingsp class="decide