• June 15, 2023 | New York Law Journal

    Giuliani Files to Remove Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Assault and Labor Law Violations to SDNY

    Giuliani argued removal is warranted because the plaintiff, at the time of the alleged conduct, maintained Florida residency while Giuliani was domiciled in New York.

    3 minute read

  • Pizarro v. Lignelli, 102474/2011

    Publication Date: 2014-02-05
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County, Part 46
    Judge: Justice Lucy Billings
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff: Holly Ostrov Ronai Esq., Ronai & Ronai, L.L.P., Chester, NY.
    for defendant: For Defendant Lignelli: Michael F. Harris Esq., Goldberg Segalla LLP, White Plains, NY. For Defendant Dennis James Boyle, Inc.: George A. Freitag Esq., New York, NY. For Third Party Defendant Complete Copper Works, Inc.: Richard A. Gash Esq. and Mayya S. Gotlib Esq., Mintzer Sarowitz Zeris Ledva & Meyers, LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number:

    Cite as: Pizarro v. Lignelli, 102474/2011, NYLJ 1202641219115, at *1 (Sup. NY, Decided January 6, 2014) Justice Luc