• Joseph Collins, Plaintiff v. Telcoa International Corp., Defendants, 23796/97

    Publication Date: 2010-12-09
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Queens County
    Judge: Justice Martin J. Schulman
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for the Plaintiff: By: Edward G. Bailey, Esq., Bailey & Sherman, P.C., Douglaston, New York
    for defendant: Attorneys for the Defendants: By: Martin P. Unger. Esq. And Yale Pollack, Esq. (also present), Certilman, Balin, Adler & Hyman, LLP, East Meadow, New York

    Case Number: 23796/97

    Cite as: Collins v. Telcoa International Corp., 23796/97, NYLJ 1202475831618, at *1 (Sup., QU, Decided November 5, 2010)Referee Leonard Livotep class="deci