• Tirado v. Miller, 26948/05

    Publication Date: 2010-05-27
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-05-18
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 26948/05

    Before: Dillon, J.P.; Eng, Belen, Hall, JJ. APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT Robert C. Fontanelli, P.C., Brooklyn, N.Y. (Brian J. Isaac of counsel) for appellant

  • April 17, 2003 | Corporate Counsel

    Pelman v. McDonald's

    In February, New York solo practitioner Samuel Hirsch decided that Ronald McDonald did not deserve a break today, and filed an amended complaint in New York federal district court against the

    1 minute read

  • June 6, 2013 | New York Law Journal

    The Curious Procedure of Retaxing Costs

    To the victor go the spoils—or so the saying goes. The old adage refers to the added perks and bonuses a person receives for winning something, like a contest or battle. Unlike some

    1 minute read

  • May 1, 2010 | The American Lawyer

    Big Deals

    AIG Asset Sales American International Group, Inc.

    1 minute read

  • April 14, 2005 | Daily Report Online

    11th Circuit Upholds Ban on Felon Voting

    Dan Christensen [email protected] MIAMI-In a decision fraught with partisan political overtones, the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has upheld an 1

    1 minute read

  • Nassau County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-11-16
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    TbaGilles v. Gilles (203245/07)—Pd - Motion DeniedRadice v. Radice (200437/05)—Pd - Motion DecidedTumminello v

  • April 7, 2003 | Corporate Counsel

    Pelman v. McDonald's

    In February, New York solo practitioner Samuel Hirsch decided that Ronald McDonald did not deserve a break today, and filed an amended complaint in New York federal district court against the

    1 minute read

  • August 16, 2011 | Daily Report Online

    Med-mal case ends in mistrial

    After two weeks in a Marietta courtroom where he asked for a $50 million medical malpractice verdict, Thomas W. "Tommy" Malone went home Friday evening with only a mistrial and the disclosure

    1 minute read

  • April 26, 2001 | The American Lawyer

    The Court That Came in From the Cold

    When Deutsche Telekom AG wooed Telecom Italia S.p.A. in 1999, France Telecom threw a fit. France T. dropped out of its Italian joint venture with Deutsche T., and filed arbitration claim

    1 minute read

  • June 1, 1999 | National Law Journal

    Rogers Deal Could Lead To More Mergers

    The just-announced merger of two big law firms in the United States and Britain should lead to more trans-Atlantic link-ups--but not of the biggest firms--top lawyers on both sides of the Atlantic

    1 minute read