• December 16, 2002 | Legal Times

    Civil Actions

    The following selected cases were recently filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia and in Greenbelt, Md. This information was provided by the courts' official

    1 minute read

  • Pollard v. The CEO Group, Inc.

    Publication Date: 2010-06-07
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-06-07
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: John F. Preis, University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, Virginia, and Charles Francis Carbone, San Francisco, California, for the plaintiff-appellant.
    for defendant: Michael Kenneth Johnson, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP, San Francisco, California, for defendants-appellees Wackenhut-The GEO Group, Inc., Margaret Minneci, Robert Spack, Bob D. Steifer, and Becky Maness. David J. Wilson, Manning & Marder Kass Ellrod Ramirez LLP, Los Angeles, California, for defendant-appellee Jonathan E. Akanno.

    Case Number: No. 07-16112

    Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 7000 RICHARD LEE POLLARD, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. THE GEO GROUP, INC., Erroneously S

  • Kings County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-07-25
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Non-Jury Settlement Trl PtAmerican Transit Ins Co v. Young (5014/11)—Motion DeniedJus

  • Kings County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-03-08
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Justice Loren Baily-SchiffmanJp Morgan Chase Bank v. Alexander (11526/11)—Motion DeniedJustice Bernadette BayneZylberb

  • In Re Wachovia Equity Securities Litigation, 08 Civ. 6171 (RJS)

    Publication Date: 2011-04-07
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Richard J. Sullivan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: The Equity Plaintiffs are represented by Ira M. Press, Andrew Martin McNeela, and Roger W. Kirby of Kirby McInerney LLP, New York, NY. The Stichting Plaintiffs are represented by Geoffrey Coyle, Jarvis, Jay W. Eisenhofer, and Michele S. Carino of Grant & Eisenhofer, P.A., New York, NY; and James Richard Banko of Grant & Eisenhofer, P A, Chase Manhattan Centre, Wilmington, DE. The FC Holdings Plaintiffs are represented by Daniel Arthur Cohen, Daniel Joseph Kornstein, and Amy Christine Gross of Kornstein Veisz Wexler & Pollard, LLP, New York, NY; JefIrey H. Squire of Bracewell & Patterson, LLP, Washington, DC; and Paul D. Wexler of Bragar, Wexler & Eagel, P.C., New York, NY. The Bond/Notes Plaintiffs represented by John J. Gross, Christopher L. Nelson, David Kessler, John Anthony Kehoe, and Benjamin J. Sweet of Barrowav Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check, LLP, Radnor, P A; Nichole Browning and Eric Donald Peterson of Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check, LLP, San Francisco, CA; Ramzi Abadou, Maureen Elizabeth Mueller, Lucas F. Olts, and John J. Rice of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, San Diego, CA; David Avi Rosenfeld of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, Melville, NY; John Patrick Coffey, William Curtis Fredericks, Kurt Michael Hinciker, Christopher Chad Johnson, John James Rizio-Hamilton, and Jeroen Van Kwawegen of Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP, New York, NY; Jack Gerald Fruchter of Abraham Fruchter & Twersky LLP, New York, NY; Lionel Z. Glancy of Glancy & Binkow, LLP, Los Angeles, CA; Michael Max Goldberg of the Law Offices of Michael Goldberg, New York, NY; Marc Ian Gross and Fei-Lu Qian of Pomerantz Haudek Block Grossman & Gross LLP, New York, NY.
    for defendant: The Wachovia Defendants are represented by Douglas H. Flaum, Eric A. Hirsch, Israel David, and John W. Brewer of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, New York, NY. The Underwriter Defendants are represented by Alfred Robert Pietrzak, Patrick Michael McGuirk, Owen Harris Smith, and Saima S. Ahmed of Sidley Austin LLP, New York, NY. Defendant KPMG is represented by Emmet Thomas Flood of Williams & Connolly LLP, Washington, DC and Marshall Beil of McGuireWoods LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 08 Civ. 6171 (RJS)

    Cite as: In Re Wachovia Equity Securities Litigation, 08 Civ. 6171 (RJS), NYLJ 1202489220302, at *1 (SDNY, Decided March 31, 2011)District Judge Richard J. Sull

  • May 9, 2003 | Corporate Counsel

    Johnson & Johnson / Scios

    Four days before Valentine's Day, Johnson & Johnson showed some heart by deciding to bolster its cardiovascular drug line with a $2.4 billion purchase of Scios Inc. Sunnyvale, Cal

    1 minute read

  • Queens County Second Department SUPREME COURT — Published in the Law Journal on: November 29, 2011,

    Publication Date: 2011-11-23
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Justice Augustus C. AgateGrimes v. Singh (15277/10)—Case DisposedCooper-Booth Wholesale Co. Lp. v. 21 Triangular, Inc. (1687/08)—Pd-Wit

  • Kings County Second Department SUPREME COURT — Published in the Law Journal on: September 26, 2011,

    Publication Date: 2011-09-22
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Non-Jury Settlement Trl PtPm & V Rlty. LLC v. Qbe Ins. Corp. (9828/08)—Motion WithdrawnJustice Jack A. BattagliaGr

  • October 4, 2004 | National Law Journal

    Business Cases That Deal With Interpretation

    From the environment to securities to trademarks to taxation, a wide array of cases with significant legal and financial implications for the nation's business community awaits the justices at

    1 minute read

  • May 25, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Public Interest Calendar

    Today: Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program, civil forfeiture training, at Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, 1735 Market St., 51st floor. Earn two CLE credits in exchan

    1 minute read