• Cannon v. Correctional Medical Care Inc.

    Publication Date: 2017-12-22
    Practice Area: Civil Rights
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, U.S. - NDNY
    Judge: Magistrate Judge Daniel Stewart
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for Plaintiff: Elmer R. Keach, III, Esq., Maria K. Dyson, Esq., of Counsel, Law Offices of Elmer Robert Keach, III, P.C., Albany, NY.
    for defendant: Counsel for CMC Defendants1: Cathleen Kelly Rebar, Esq., of Counsel, Rebar Bernstiel, New York, NY.; Counsel for Defendant Coogan: Molly C. Casey, Esq., of Counsel, Thuillez, Ford Law Firm, Albany, NY.; Counsel for Defendant Goyer: Thomas A. Cullen, Esq., of Counsel, Burke, Scolamiero Law Firm, Albany, NY.; Counsel for Albany County Defendants2: Tracy A. Murphy, Esq., of Counsel, Albany County Attorney's Office, Albany, NY.; Counsel for Albany County Defendants: John W. Liguori, Esq., of Counsel, Towne, Ryan Law Firm, Albany, NY.

    Case Number: 9:15-CV-1417

    Settlement, Legal Fees Approved in Suit Over County Inmate's Wrongful Death