• In The Matter of the Extradition of Alex Suyanoff a/k/a Amnon Mordahaev, 12-MJ-462

    Publication Date: 2012-10-02
    Practice Area:
    Court: U. S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Michael S. Washor, New York, NY. Attorneys for Alex Suyanoff: Robert P. Leighton, New York, NY.
    for defendant: By Amy E. Larson, Assistant United States Attorney: Loretta E. Lynch, United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, Brooklyn, NY.

    Case Number: 12-MJ-462

    Cite as: Matter of Suyanoff, 12-MJ-462, NYLJ 1202573046704, at *1 (EDNY, d September 20, 2012)Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack

  • Godlewska v. HDA, Human Development Assoc., Inc.

    Publication Date: 2013-01-11
    Practice Area:
    Court: U. S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs: Robert Wisniewski, Robert Wisniewski & Associates, P.C., New York, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for City Defendants: Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, Andrea O'Connor, Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, New York City Law Department, Office of the Corporation Counsel, New York, NY. Attorney for defendants HDA, Human Development Association, Inc., d/b/a HDA; Yechila Gruenwald a/k/a Yechiel Gruenwald individually and as Executive Director of HDA; Zvi Kestenbaum; Marina Voskoboyniko; Golda Pokhis a/k/a Olga Pokhis; and Margararita Zilbert: David S. Greenhaus, Jackson Lewis LLP, Melville, NY. Attorney for defendants HDA, Human Development Association, Inc., d/b/a HDA; Yechila Gruenwald a/k/a Yechiel Gruenwald individually and as Executive Director of HDA; Zvi Kestenbaum; Marina Voskoboyniko; Golda Pokhis a/k/a Olga Pokhis; Margararita Zilbert; Jane Doe a/k/a "Mrs. Friedman"; Jane Does 1-10 and John Does 1-10: Anne P. Edelman, Kaufman, Dolowich & Voluck & Gonzo, LLP, Woodbury, NY. Attorney for defendant HDA, Human Development Association, Inc., d/b/a HAD: Jeffrey S. Ettenger, Kaufman, Dolowich & Voluck & Gonzo, LLP, Woodbury, NY. Attorney for City Defendants: Joshua Robert Fay, New York City Law Department, Labor and Employment, New York, NY. Attorney for City Defendants: Lisa Marie Griffith, New York City Law Department, Office of the Corporation Counsel, New York, NY.

    Case Number: CV-03-3985 (RJD) (JMA)

    Cite as: Godlewska v. HDA, Human Development Assoc., Inc., CV-03-3985 (RJD) (JMA), NYLJ 1202584151330, at *1 (EDNY, Decided January 2, 2013)Magistrate Jud

  • 246 Sears Road Realty Corp. v. Exxon Mobil Corp.

    Publication Date: 2012-09-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff: Richard W. Young, Patrick F. Young, Young & Young, LLP, Central Islip, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant: Beth L. Kaufman, Deirdre J. Sheridan, Schoeman, Updike & Kaufman, LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 09-CV-889 (NGG) (JMA)

    Cite as: 246 Sears Road Realty Corp. v. Exxon Mobil Corp., 09-CV-889 (NGG) (JMA), NYLJ 1202573114392, at *1 (EDNY, Decided September 18, 2012)Magistrate J