Publication Date: 2011-01-12
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Judge: District Judge Arthur D. Spatt
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Paul T. Layton, Esq., Attorney for the Plaintiff, New York, NY Law Offices of Ambrose Wotorson, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Brooklyn, NY, By: Ambrose W. Wotorson, Esq.
for defendant: John Ciampoli, Nassau County Attorney, Attorneys for the Defendants, Mineola, NY, By: Assistant Nassau County Attorney Donna A. Napolitano, Assistant Nassau County Attorney Ryan Singer, Assistant Nassau County Attorney Liora M. Ben-Sorek
Case Number: 08-CV-703 (ADS) (ARL)
Cite as: Solomon v. Nassau County, 08-CV-703, NYLJ 1202477854738, at *1 (EDNY, Decided January 7, 2011)District Judge Arthur D. SpattDeci