• Matter of Lewis v Alexander

    Publication Date: 2009-12-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 507053

    Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: December 17, 2009 507053 In the

  • Matter of Boomer v New York State Police Dept.

    Publication Date: 2009-03-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 503364

    Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: March 19, 2009 503364 In the Ma

  • April 19, 2011 | Bloomberg

    Roots of financial crisis buried deep after inquiry

    No one wants to excuse the managers and regulators of financial companies from responsibility for the financial crisis. But it is too easy to assign blame and walk away, without doing the ser

    1 minute read

  • December 22, 2008 | New York Law Journal

    Another View of 'Murphy'

    I respectfully take issue with the suggestion of the Commercial Division Update columnists based on Justice Ira B. Warshawky's decision in Murphy v. U.S. Dredging Corp., that th

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2004 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Biennial Report of the Supreme Court Committee on the Tax Court

    Supreme Court of New Jersey INTRODUCTION I. RULE AMENDMENTS RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION Proposed Amendment to R. 8:3-1 - Separate Complaints for Different Tax Years b

    1 minute read

  • February 29, 2008 | New York Law Journal

    Panel Faults Court's Removal Of Obese Child From Parents

    ALBANY - Though not "ideal," a couple's efforts to control the weight of their obese daughter were made in good faith and did not justify a county agency's repeated removal of the girl from he

    1 minute read

  • Matter of Jolyssa EE.

    Publication Date: 2006-04-06
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 97633

    Decided and Entered: April 6, 2006 97633 ________________________________ In the Matter of JOLYSSA EE., a Neglected Child. WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICE

  • Matter of Notorious YY.

    Publication Date: 2006-10-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 99297

    Decided and Entered: October 19, 2006 99297 ________________________________ In the Matter of NOTORIOUS YY., Alleged to be a Neglected Child. OTSEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT O

  • October 16, 2008 | The Associated Press

    AIG executives spent thousands during hunting trip

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. AP - First there was the $440,000 American Insurance Group Inc. spent entertaining executives days after receiving an $85 billion lifeline from the Federal Reserve, now it's $86,00

    1 minute read

  • August 2, 2004 | Texas Lawyer

    New Deals

    RIVIANA FOODS INC. ACQUISITION by EBRO PULEVA S.A. Elizabeth "Susie" Woodard, vice president, general counsel and secretary of Houston-based rice company Riviana Foods Inc., is using l

    1 minute read