• Wolak v. Spucci

    Publication Date: 2000-06-27
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2000-06-23
    Court: 2nd Cir.
    Judge: VAN GRAAFEILAND, STRAUB, and POOLER Circuit Judges
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: John A. Keeffe
    for defendant: David L. Posner

    Case Number: No. 99-7535

    The full case caption appears at the end of this opinion. POOLER, Circuit Judge: Tracey Wolak, a seven-year veteran of the Pelham Manor police force, brought a civil rights

  • In re Salomon Analyst Metromedia Litigation

    Publication Date: 2008-10-06
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-09-30
    Court: 2nd Cir.
    Judge: Pooler, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 06-3225-cv

    Argued: January 30, 2008Before: WALKER, CALABRESI, and POOLER, Circuit Judges.In this appeal, we address whether plaintiffs alleging securities fraud against research analysts must make a height