• BDO USA LLP v. Coe

    Publication Date: 2014-10-02
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Ray, William M.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: James Rusert DLA Piper LLP, Paul Monnin Paul Hastings LLP, Atlanta, Raja Gaddipati, and Michael Poulos DLA Piper LLP, Chicago, Ill., for appellant.
    for defendant: . Harmon Caldwell, Harry MacDougald Caldwell & Watson LLP, Atlanta, David Deary, Jeven Sloan, W. Ralph Canada Jr., Katherine Bennett, and John McKenzie Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, Dallas, Texas, for appellees.

    Case Number: A14A1455

    To the extent O.C.G.A. § 9-9-6 subsection a controls whether a Georgia court is the appropriate forum for pursuing a motion to compel arbitration, it is not preempted by the Federal Arbitratio