• May 10, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal


    img style="float: left; margin: 2px 2px 0px 0px;" alt="" src="/image/nj/128_pic

    1 minute read

  • June 6, 2013 | Bloomberg

    Singapore's Malls Top Retail Investment Ranking

    Singapore's shopping malls offer the best returns in the Asia-Pacific region as economic and demographic growth boost consumption, according to Aviva Plc.Suburban retail units catering

    1 minute read

  • Kaemmerling v. Lappin

    Publication Date: 2009-01-07
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-12-30
    Court: DC Cir.
    Judge: Sentelle, Chief Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney arguing as amicus curiae in support of petitioner: Jeff Kosseff, student counsel.
    for defendant: Attorney for appellee: Oliver McDaniel, U.S. Attorney's Office, Washington, D.C.

    Case Number: 07-5065

    Argued September 8, 2008Before: SENTELLE, Chief Judge, and HENDERSON and KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judges.Russell Kaemmerling, a federal prisoner, appeals from the district court's dismissal of his act

  • Kaufman v Quickway, Inc.

    Publication Date: 2009-07-09
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 506440

    Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: July 9, 2009 506440 JOSEPH E. K

  • Sanchez v State of New York

    Publication Date: 2007-01-11
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 99039

    Decided and Entered: January 11, 2007 99039 ________________________________ FRANCISCO SANCHEZ, Appellant, v STATE OF NEW YORK,


    Publication Date: 2005-03-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 93795

    Decided and Entered: March 24, 2005 93795 ________________________________ ISMAEL MAXWELL, Appellant, v SHAMBHU M. MEHTA, Respondent,

  • November 23, 2009 | The Recorder

    On the Move

    San Francisco William Vickrey was inducted into the National Center for State Courts' Warren E. Burger Society on Nov. 20. Vickrey, chief administrat

    1 minute read

  • In re Refco Inc. Securities Litigation, 05 Civ. 8626

    Publication Date: 2006-08-29
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2006-08-08
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Judge: Gerard Lynch
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 05 Civ. 8626

    U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK For Plaintiffs: Stuart M. Grant, James J. Sabella, Megan D. McIntyre, Jeff A. Almeida, Christine M. Mackintosh, and Jill Agro, Gr

  • August 30, 2002 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Court Weighs In on Racially-Targeted Law Enforcement

    As a result of racial profiling at long last being recognized as a serious problem on this state's highways, cases have begun filtering up to the Court dealing with racially targeted law enfor

    1 minute read


    Publication Date: 2003-03-13
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 3rd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 92737

    Decided and Entered: March 13, 2003 92737 ________________________________ In the Matter of ISLAND SEAFOOD COMPANY, INC., Appellant, v GOLUB CORPORATION et al.,