• Matter of Tenzer, 2013-583/B

    Publication Date: 2016-10-03
    Practice Area:
    Court: Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County
    Judge: Surrogate John M. Czygier, Jr.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Petitioner: Michele S. Russo, Esq., Port Washington, NY.
    for defendant: Respondent: Lenore S. Dowis, Esq., Smithtown, NY.

    Case Number: 2013-583/B

    Cite as: Matter of Tenzer, 2013-583/B, NYLJ 1202768914877, at *1 (Surr., SUF, Decided September 12, 2016) CASENAME In the Matter of the Application of Claudine

  • Estate of Apostolidis, 2010-3311/A

    Publication Date: 2016-07-20
    Practice Area:
    Court: Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County
    Judge: Surrogate John M. Czygier, Jr
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Petitioner: R. Bertil Peterson, Esq., Babylon, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Respondent: Michael B. Schulman & Associates, P.C., Melville, NY.

    Case Number: 2010-3311/A

    Cite as: Estate of Apostolidis, 2010-3311/A, NYLJ 1202762980447, at *1 (Surr., SUF, Decided July 6, 2016) CASENAME Petition by Claimants to Determine the Valid