Publication Date: 2023-04-18
Practice Area: Mergers and Acquisitions
Industry: Consumer Products | Pharmaceuticals
Court: Court of Chancery
Judge: Vice Chancellor Cook
Attorneys: For plaintiff: James D. Taylor, Jr., Saul Ewing LLP, Wilmington, DE; Amy S. Kline, Saul Ewing LLP, Philadelphia, PA; Joseph D. Lipchitz, Saul Ewing LLP, Boston, MA for plaintiff.
for defendant: Rudolf Koch, Kyle H. Lachmund, Kevin M. Kidwell, Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., Wilmington, DE; Dustin F. Guzior, Y. Carson Zhou, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York, NY for defendant.
Case Number: 2021-0838-NAC
Asset purchase agreement unambiguously gave seller of product lines perpetual liability for product liability claims for product sold prior to closing, such that the contract's clause sunsetting certain indemnification rights did not apply to the provision allocating third-party liabilities.