• November 9, 2015 | The American Lawyer

    Growing U.S. Firm Fires London Partner After Soccer Rant

    Goldberg Segalla, a 240-lawyer U.S. firm that has made some high-profile lateral additions this year, chose to terminate the founding partner of its London office after he was caught disparaging Liverpool soccer fans as “scouse scum.”

    1 minute read

  • October 26, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Lawyer Faces Sanctions Over Missing Emails in Legal Mal Suit

    A lawyer who represents charities has been accused of destroying 16 years' worth of emails relating to a legal malpractice suit filed against him by principals of a defunct Edison fundra

    1 minute read

  • October 26, 2015 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Lawyer Faces Sanctions Over Missing Emails in Legal Mal Suit

    A lawyer who represents charities has been accused of destroying 16 years' worth of emails relating to a legal malpractice suit filed against him by principals of a defunct Edison fundraising company.

    1 minute read

  • New York State Rifle and Pistol Assoc., Inc. v. Cuomo

    Publication Date: 2015-10-21
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Before: Cabranes, Lohier, and Droney, C.JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs-Appellants: David Thompson, Charles J. Cooper, Peter A. Patterson, Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, Washington DC, AND Brian T. Stapleton, Matthew S. Lerner, Goldberg Segalla LLP, White Plains, NY, Stephen P. Halbrook, Fairfax, VA.
    for defendant: For Defendants-Appellees-Cross-Appellants Andrew M. Cuomo, et al.: Anisha S. Dasgupta, Claude S. Platton, Office of the Solicitor General, on the brief, Barbara D. Underwood, Solicitor General of the State of New York, for Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General for the State of New York, New York, NY. For Defendants-Appellees Dannel P. Malloy, et al.: Perry Zinn Rowthorn, Michael K. Skold, Gregory T. D'Auria, Office of the Attorney General, on the brief, Maura B. Murphy Osborne, Assistant Attorney General of the State of Connecticut.

    Case Number: 14-36-cv (Lead)

    Cite as: New York State Rifle and Pistol Assoc., Inc. v. Cuomo, 14-36-cv (L), NYLJ 1202740246469, at *1 (2d Cir., Decided October 19, 2015)

  • October 19, 2015 | Connecticut Law Tribune

    Conn. Gun Rights Groups Vow to Appeal Second Circuit Ruling to Supreme Court

    Just hours after a federal appeals court upheld a Connecticut gun control law approved in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, lawyers representing a group of Second Amendment advocates s

    1 minute read

  • October 16, 2015 | New York Law Journal

    On the Move

    • Herrick, Feinstein has added Nancy Mertzel as partner and chair of its intellectua erty practice. Mertzel was an intellectua

    1 minute read

  • October 8, 2015 | New York Law Journal

    Trench Collapses: A Caveat to Defense Counsel

    New York Labor Law §240(1), commonly known as the scaffold law, provides "all contractors and owners and their agents,…shall furnish or or cause to be furnished or

    1 minute read

  • September 24, 2015 | New York Law Journal

    Stormy Weather: an Analysis of Snow and Ice Defenses

    With summer now over and the fall season just underway, the snowstorms from last winter are a distant memory for property owners. Prospective lawsuits stemming from those storms still lie ah

    1 minute read

  • Comunidad Hispana De Locust Valley v. Oyster Bay, 10-CV-2262

    Publication Date: 2015-09-22
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: District Judge Denis Hurley
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Plaintiffs By: Alan Levine, Esq., Elizabeth Joynes, Esq., Jackson Chin, Esq., Latinojustice Prldef, New York, N.Y.
    for defendant: By: Corey Stoughton, Esq., Arthur Eisenberg, Esq., Jordan S. Wells, Esq., New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, N.Y. For the Defendants By: Jonathan H. Sinnreich, Esq., Timothy F. Hill, Esq., Sinnreich Kosakoff & Messina LLP, Central Islip, N.Y. By: Christopher Kendric, Esq., Goldberg Segalla LLP, Garden City, N.Y.

    Case Number: 10-CV-2262 (DRH)

    Cite as: Comunidad Hispana v. Oyster Bay, 10-CV-2262, NYLJ 1202736452750, at *1 (EDNY, Decided September 3, 2015)CASE NAMECentro De La Comunidad Hispana De Loc

  • September 21, 2015 | The Associated Press

    Town to Argue Restriction on Day Laborers Is Valid

    A Long Island town is appealing after a federal court ruled its law restricting where day laborers may stand while seeking work is unconstitutional. Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Ve

    1 minute read