• Government of the Virgin Island v. Fonseca

    Publication Date: 2001-12-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-12-12
    Court: 3rd Cir.
    Judge: Mckee, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: NOS. 00-3628/387

    Argued May 18, 2001The Government of the Virgin Islands asks us to reverse a decision of the Appellate Division of the District Court of the Virgin Islands vacating the murder convictions of Blanch

  • People v. Woody Lafortune, 2008NA029348

    Publication Date: 2009-03-27
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-02-25
    Court: Unknown
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Judge Robert A. Bruno NASSAU COUNTY District Court Representation: Kathleen M. Rice, District Attorney of Nassau County Kent V. Moston, Attorn

  • June 11, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Spelling, litigant, both contemptible

    A few missing letters in a legal document did not rescue a New York man from a contempt citation. "The purpose of this hearing is to punish y," the contempt application warned, "

    1 minute read

  • January 18, 2013 | The Recorder

    Passions Run High in Bivalve Battle

    POINT REYES NATIONAL SEASHORE — For years, it has set off scientific debate, turned neighbor against neighbor, incited angry editorials — and even prompted an act of Congress

    1 minute read

  • October 3, 2006 | The Recorder

    In Camera

    IN TRYING TO ESCAPE GAG, ALLRED MAY HAVE SAID TOO MUCHProminent Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred may have said too much in her attempt to lift a gag order during the recently

    1 minute read

  • June 15, 2012 | Daily Report Online

    Defense verdict in poultry plant's fire lawsuit

    After hearing seven weeks of testimony, a jury ruled for the defense in a tortuous, 6-year-old case in which a poultry packing company sought $263 million in damages resulting from a chicken

    1 minute read

  • March 15, 2005 | The Recorder

    In Camera

    HE'LL TAKE TV GAME SHOWS FOR $500, ALEXEdward Schiffer took a massive pay cut when he quit big-firm life to become a staff attorney at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. N

    1 minute read

  • September 28, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    Invoking and Applying the Emergency Doctrine

    A child darting into traffic, a car crossing over into the opposing lane of traffic, uncontrolled skidding on ice into another vehicle—all of these situations may elicit the emergency doc

    1 minute read

  • February 28, 2011 | Bloomberg

    Motorola fires shot in the tablet wars with Xoom

    The tablet wars have finally begun for real. Ten months after Apple Inc.'s iPad established the market for large-display touchscreen mobile devices, it finally has a worthwhile compet

    1 minute read

  • June 14, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    Choice for 9/11 Rescue Workers Is to Accept $713 Million Deal or Hope for Passage of Federal Compensation Bill

    Associated Press Thousands of 9/11 rescue and recovery workers suing New York City over their exposure to clouds of pulverized glass and cement at the World Trade Center site have to decide

    1 minute read