Publication Date: 2015-04-15
Practice Area:
Court: Appellate Division, Second Department
Judge: Before: Mastro, J.P., Austin, Cohen, Barros, JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For appellants LeFrance Leasing Limited Partnership and Mid State Management Corporation: Christopher H. Sommer and Ellen E. Mooney of counsel, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, New York, N.Y. For appellant Alliance Elevator Company: Mauro Lilling Naparty, LLP, Woodbury, N.Y. [Caryn L. Lilling and Richard J. Montes, of counsel, Geringer & Dolan LLP.
for defendant: For respondents: Andrew H. Pillersdorf of Counsel, Gary B. Pillersdorf & Associates, P.C., New York, N.Y.
Case Number: 17558/07
Cite as: Jones v. LeFrance Leasing Ltd. Partnership, 17558/07, NYLJ 1202723552599, at *1 (App. Div., 2nd, Decided April 8, 2015) 17558/07 Before: