• December 28, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Score: The NFL Agents of The Am Law 200

    With the National Football League's playoffs less than two weeks away, ex-commissioner and Covington & Burling senior counsel Paul Tagliabue's a href="http://www.sportsbusinessn

    1 minute read

  • February 1, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    Marsh Settles, Agrees to Pay $850 Million

    Insurance broker Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. settled with government regulators yesterday, agreeing to pay $850 million in restitution to clients in what authorities said was bid-riggi

    1 minute read

  • November 13, 2003 | The Recorder

    PeopleSoft's Strategy Could Break Ground

    If PeopleSoft Inc.'s offer of customer rebates succeeds at staving off a hostile takeover from Oracle Corp., it could give other companies powerful ammunition to stave off an unwanted suitor.

    1 minute read

  • February 12, 2010 | National Law Journal

    Lawyers May Have Right to Question Jurors

    Attorneys may have a First Amendment right to interview jurors in trials in which they did not participate if their purpose is to educate a segment of the bar, according to a federal appellate cour

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  • February 1, 2007 | The American Lawyer


    Each year Paris-based legal magazine D�cideurs collects financial information for more than 300 firms, using reported data and in some cases estimates, to produce a list of France's lar

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  • March 1, 2010 | National Law Journal


    ON A QWEST Rich Baer is chief legal officer at Denver-based Qwest Communications International Inc., the nation's third-largest telecommunications company. Within Qwest's 14

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  • May 11, 2006 | Alm

    Luttig Quits 4th Circuit To Join Boeing

    Appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig, a Supreme Court contender and longtime fixture of the conservative legal landscape, made a sudden announcement Wednesday that he was leaving the 4th U.S. Circu

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  • March 26, 2003 | New York Law Journal

    Lawyers on Major TransactionsBy Susan L. HarperJones Day, Weil Gotshal Forge Purchase of Bethlehem SteelJones Day is advising International Steel Group Inc.

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  • February 3, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Merrill Lynch Wins Round in WorldCom Litigation

    Merrill Lynch won a major round Tuesday in the ongoing ERISA litigation arising from WorldCom's collapse when a federal judge ruled in its favor on a summary judgment motion. Southern

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  • March 23, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Law firms line up to represent candidates

    LAWYERS AND LAW FIRMS are jumping into the 2008 presidential election as counsel, advisers and fund-raisers for both candidates and donors in a race that is expected to be expensive and inund

    1 minute read