• February 13, 2007 |

    Severance Waivers Are an Endangered Species

    When involuntary employment terminations become necessary, employers often seek protection from possible post-employment claims by conditioning severance pay on the signing of a general release and

    1 minute read

  • May 1, 2004 | Corporate Counsel

    Feeling The Heat

    PeopleSoft, Inc., general counsel Anne Jordan notified the company late last year that she planned to resign some time in 2004, despite the protracted hostile takeover battle with Oracl

    1 minute read

  • March 31, 2006 | New York Law Journal

    Moving Outside the Beltway

    Fresh hope is at hand for New York litigators and trial attorneys uncomfortable in the role of hard-charger � and who long for the days of high-minded, Socratic explorations deep into the bell

    1 minute read

  • October 20, 2009 | Corporate Counsel

    Go Bananas!* Dole Drops Lawsuit Against Documentary Maker

    The Dole Food Company on Wednesday dropped its defamation lawsuit against the Swedish filmmaker who created the movie

    1 minute read

  • August 29, 2005 |

    The California 25

    California may be the Golden State but some of that gold seems to be moving elsewhere when it comes to the revenues and rankings of the nation's largest law firms.Not that California's

    1 minute read

  • October 9, 2002 | The Recorder

    Suit Accuses Hewlett-Packard of Unfair Competition

    In a little-noticed case with potentially big financial implications, Hewlett-Packard is accused of redesigning a key component of its popular printer to corner the $1 billion ink refill ma

    1 minute read

  • January 26, 2010 | The Recorder

    Prop 8 Defense Seeks to Show Gays Have Power

    SAN FRANCISCO — After two weeks of witnesses called by plaintiffs challenging Proposition 8, the defense's case finally got under way Monday. Kenneth Miller, a political science pr

    1 minute read

  • October 22, 1999 | New York Law Journal

    Audit Committee Headaches: Lawyers Divided on SEC Proposal

    Attorneys handling securities and financial reporting matters are buzzing about a Securities and Exchange Commission proposal that would require audit committees to inform shareholders of any unt

    1 minute read

  • August 27, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

    What Did AIG's Government Watchdog Know?

    This fall marks five years since the financial collapse of American International Group Inc. that fueled a global economic crisis. Since then, AIG executives and financial experts have given

    1 minute read

  • June 27, 2001 | National Law Journal

    Taking Names (off the Door)

    They call it branding. It's the law firm marketing director's quest to make the firm's name a household word to all the in-houses. It's shooting to become the Coke or Ford of the new law busin

    1 minute read