• In re Application of Chevron Corporation, Appellete, 10 MC 00001 (LAK)

    Publication Date: 2010-09-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Petitioner Chevron Corporation: Randy M. Mastro, Scott A. Edelman, Andrew E. Neuman, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP
    for defendant: Attorneys for Respondents Joseph A. Berlinger, et al.: Maura J. Wogan, Jeremy S. Goldman, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, P.C. Attorneys for Respondents Lago Agrio Plaintiffs: Ilann M. Maazel, Jonathan S. Abady, O. Andrew F. Wilson, Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP *1Chevron Corporation ("Chevron") is the target of litigation brought in Ecuador by the so-called the Lago Agrio plaintiffs1 in which the latter seek to recover over $27 billion for *2 alleged environmental pollution by Texaco, which was acquired by Chevron after Texaco ceased operations in Ecuador and settled environmental claims with its government. At the suggestion of counsel for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs, Joseph Berlinger and affiliates (collectively, "Berlinger") undertook to make a documentary film about the litigation. They were given extraordinary access by the Lago Agrio plaintiffs and ultimately released a film entitled Crude.

    Case Number: 10 MC 00001 (LAK)

    Cite as: In re Chevron Corporation, 10 MC 00001 (LAK), NYLJ 1202472054605, at *1 (SDNY, Decided September 07, 2010)District Judge Lewis A. Kaplanp class="d

  • CSX Corporation v. The Children's Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP, 08-2899-cv (L)

    Publication Date: 2011-07-20
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Before: Newman, Winter, and Calabresi, C.JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff-Appellant-Cross-Appellee: Rory O. Millson (Francis P. Barron & David R. Marriott, on the brief), Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY.
    for defendant: For Defendants-Appellees-Cross-Appellants: Christopher Landau, P.C. (Patrick F. Philbin & Theodore W. Ullyot, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, D.C.; Peter D. Doyle & Andrew M. Genser, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, New York, New York; Howard O. Godnick & Michael E. Swartz, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, New York, New York, on the brief), Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, D.C. For Amicus Curiae Coalition of Private Investment Companies: Adam H. Offenhartz, Aric H. Wu & J. Ross Wallin, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, NY. For Amici Curiae Former SEC Commissioners and Officials and Professors: Richard M. Lorenzo, James G. Szymanski & M. Alexander Bowie II, Day Pitney LLP, New York, NY. For Amici Curiae International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., and Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association: Katherine Tew Darras & Rosario Chiarenza, International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., New York, New York; Ira D. Hammerman & Kevin M. Carroll, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, Washington, D.C.; David M. Becker, Edward J. Rosen, Michael D. Dayan, Joon H. Kim & Shiwon Choe, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, New York, New York & Washington, D.C. For Amicus Curiae Managed Funds Association: Roger D. Blanc, Martin Klotz & Richard D. Bernstein, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, New York, NY. For Amici Curiae Washington Legal Foundation, National Association of Manufacturers & Business Roundtable: Daniel J. Popeo & Richard A. Samp, Washington Legal Foundation, Washington, D.C. *1

    Case Number: 08-2899-cv (L)

    Cite as: CSX Corporation v. The Children's Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP, 08-2899-cv (L), NYLJ 1202503282709, at *1 (2d Cir., Decided July 18, 2011)

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