• King County v. IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, 09 Civ. 8387 (SAS)

    Publication Date: 2010-11-04
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs King County, Washington and Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation: Anne L. Box, Esq., Patrick J. Coughlin, Esq., Daniel S. Drosman, Esq., Nathan R. Lindell, Esq., Jessica T. Shinnefield, Esq., David C. Walton, Esq., Darryl J. Alvarado, Esq., X Jay Alvarez, Esq., Christina A. Royce, Esq., Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, San Diego, California Samuel H. Rudman, Esq., David A. Rosenfeld, Esq., Robert M. Rothman, Esq., Jarrett S. Charo, Esq., Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, Melville, New York Luke O. Brooks, Esq., Jason C. Davis, Esq., Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, San Francisco, California
    for defendant: For Defendants Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. and Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited: Antonio Jorge Perez-Marques, Esq., Davis Polk & Wardwell L.L.P., New York, NY James P. Rouhandeh, Esq., Davis Polk & Wardwell L.L.P., New York, NY For Defendants IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG and IKB Credit Asset Management, GmbH: John D. McFerrin-Clancy, Esq., Zachary D. Rosenbaum, Lowenstein Sandler PC, New York, New York Thomas E. Redburn, Jr., Esq., Jennifer Jane McGruther, Esq., Lowenstein Sandler PC, Roseland, New Jersey For Defendants Moody's Investors Service Limited and Moody's Investors Service, Inc.: James J. Coster, Esq., Justin E. Klein, Esq., James J. Regan, Esq., Joshua M. Rubins, Esq., Aaron M. Zeisler, Esq., Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke LLP, New York, New York For Defendant The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. d/b/a Standard & Poor's Rating Services: Floyd Abrams, Esq., Andrea R. Butler, Esq., Jason M. Hall, Esq., Brian T Markley, Esq., Dean I. Ringel, Esq., Tammy L. Roy, Esq., Adam N. Zurofsky, Esq., Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP, New York, New York For Defendant Fitch, Inc.: Andrew J. Ehrlich, Esq., Martin Flumenbaum, Esq., Roberta A. Kaplan, Esq., Mark S. Silver, Esq., Tobias J. Stern, Esq., Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, New York, New York For Defendant Stefan Ortseifen: Thomas S. Wiswall, Esq., Phillips Lytle LLP, Rochester, New York For Defendant Winfried Reinke: Fran M. Jacobs, Esq., Duane Morris LLP, New York, NY

    Case Number: 09 Civ. 8387 (SAS)

    Cite as: King County v. IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, 09 Civ. 8387 (SAS), NYLJ 1202474373592, at *1 (SDNY, Decided October 29, 2010)District Judge Shira A. Sch

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    Practice Area:
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    Judge: Laura Swain
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 06 Civ. 6097

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