• November 24, 2003 | National Law Journal

    2003 NLJ 250 Rankings 151-200

    1 minute read

  • July 25, 2006 | Daily Report Online

    Ethics crusaders crush 'SuperLawyers'

    A NEW JERSEY Supreme Court ethics panel knocked "SuperLawyers" and "Best Lawyers in America" out of the business of ranking New Jersey lawyers on July 19 by prohibiting attorneys from adverti

    1 minute read

  • June 30, 2003 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Privatizing the State's Cleanup Work

    Shortly after Bradley Campbell became chief of New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection, he mapped out a program to make groundwater polluters pay for the loss of natural resources.

    1 minute read

  • October 26, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Largest Law Firms

    Rank td valign="top" style="background-

    1 minute read

  • April 30, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Pro Bono at the Top 20 Firms in 2009

    table cols="9" rows="24" heads="0" feet="0" xmlns:debug="urn:debug" xmlns:map="urn:mapping" xmlns:k4="http://www.vjoon.com/K4Export/1.4.2" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xmln

    1 minute read

  • November 12, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Directory of NLJ 250 branch offices

    A - E | F - J | K - O | P - T | U - ZA Adams and Reese: New Orleans (86); Ho

    1 minute read

  • July 27, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Pro Bono at New Jersey Top 20 Firms in 2011

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    1 minute read

  • Lorber v. Winston, 12-CV-3571

    Publication Date: 2012-11-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: District Judge Arthur D. Spatt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for the Plaintiff By: Ira Lee Sorkin, Esq., Savannah Stevenson, Esq., Nicole Pappas DeBello, Esq., Of Counsel, Lowenstein Sandler PC, New York, NY.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant Jonathan Winston By: Judd Burstein, Esq., Of Counsel, Judd Burstein PC, New York, NY. Attorneys for the Defendants Sheldon M. Ganz & Sheldon M. Ganz, CPA, PC By: Howard I. Elman, Esq., Of Counsel, Matalon Shweky Elman PLLC, New York, NY. Attorney for Defendant Eva Tehrani By: Eric P. Franz, Esq., Andrew Leopoldo Mancilla, Esq., Of Counsel, Law Offices of Eric Franz PLLC, New York, NY. Attorney for Defendant Eva Tehrani By: Steven David Isser, Esq., Of Counsel, Law Offices of Steven D. Isser, New York, NY. Attorneys for Defendants HSBC Bank USA, National Association & HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. By: Jonathan Young, Esq., Andrew W. Schwartz, Esq., Of Counsel, Sills Cummis & Gross P.C., New York, NY. No Appearance: 513 Central Park LLC (Relief Defendant).

    Case Number: 12-CV-3571

    Cite as: Lorber v. Winston, 12-CV-3571, NYLJ 1202579476965, at *1 (EDNY, Decided November 26, 2012)District Judge Arthur D. SpattDe

  • November 7, 2009 | National Law Journal

    Branch Offices of the NLJ 250 Firms

    Adams and Reese: New Orleans (87); Houston (42); Nashville, Tenn. (32); Jackson, Miss. (31); Baton Rouge, La. (18); Birmingham, Ala. (17); Memphis, Tenn. (15); Mobile, Ala. (13); W

    1 minute read

  • March 8, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Lawyer-Lobbyist Revenues Down In 2012 as Hot Issues Were Few

    New Jersey's prominent lawyer-lobbyists suffered a severe drop in income in 2012, in sync with the industry as a whole.The 10 highest-grossing lobbying concerns headed by lawyers or af

    1 minute read