• April 27, 2007 | The Recorder

    Private Equity Comes to the Table

    High rollers have always been drawn to Las Vegas. Which could help explain why private equity funds have been placing such big bets there lately. Just this month, Apollo Management and Texas

    1 minute read

  • June 6, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Stricter Oversight of Legal Fees Proposed for Large Chapter 11s

    The Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program is proposing controversial new guidelines to rein in what some see as out-of-control attorneys’ fees in large corporate restructuri

    1 minute read

  • March 9, 2005 | National Law Journal

    Want to Poach Associates? Good Luck

    Amid an improved economy and an apparent upturn in lateral hiring, some law firms are trying to shield their associates from the wiles of recruiters offering richer rewards. Some firm

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  • January 23, 2006 | National Law Journal

    As Times Get Better, So Do the Bonuses

    Associates at several big law firms across the country welcomed the new year with hefty bonuses that were moderately higher than the year before, a reflection of the legal industry's recent prosper

    1 minute read

  • September 21, 2004 | National Law Journal

    Trolling for Copyrights

    When Danish woodcutter Thomas Dan carved out the fuzzy-haired troll doll in 1959 because he was too poor to buy his daughter a birthday gift, he probably never imagined his creation would wind

    1 minute read

  • October 1, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

    Deals & Suits

    Nortel Patent Auction The fight for smartphone supremacy led to a furious bidding war for the patents and patent applications of Nortel Networks Corporation this spring. The Canadian telec

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  • August 15, 2003 | The Recorder

    Zapped by Outage, Firms Scramble to Cope

    One of the problems with going global is that when disaster occurs in some far-flung locale, every corner of the law firm is affected.Take Thursday's massive blackout on the East Coast

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  • November 9, 2009 | National Law Journal

    2009 Worst Year for Lawyer Headcount in 3 Decades, Says 'NLJ 250' Survey

    The United States' largest law firms this year suffered the deepest cuts in their attorney numbers since The National Law Journal began tracking their census figures more than 30 years ago

    1 minute read

  • June 1, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

    He's No PAC Man

    In raising money for his White House bid, Barack Obama has posed as an outsider in a town full of insiders. Instead of cozying up to Washington's influence peddlers, the junior senator from Il

    1 minute read

  • July 26, 2007 | The Recorder

    Daniel Weiser, 1959 - 2007

    The untimely death of Daniel Weiser has put his family, friends and his colleagues at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in a state of shock and grief.On Monday, the 48-year-old corp

    1 minute read