• Clark v. Atlanta Indep. Sch. Sys.

    Publication Date: 2011-06-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Mikell, Charles B.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Robert D. Feagin Martenson, Hasbrouck & Simon LLP and John F. Woodham Woodham and Assocs. LLC, Atlanta, for Clark. Lemuel H. Ward City of Atlanta Law Dep't, Charles S. Johnson III, Joshua I. Bosin, Sarah L. Zampell Holland & Knight LLP, Matthew C. Welch, Atlanta, and Norman S. Fletcher Brinson, Askew, Berry, Seigler, Richardson & Davis LLP, Rome, for Atlanta Independent School System. Lemuel H. Ward, Jeffrey S. Haymore City of Atlanta Law Dep't, William S. Sams Fulton County Attorney's Office, Charles S. Johnson III, Joshua I. Bosin, Sarah L. Zampell Holland & Knight LLP, Matthew C. Welch, Atlanta, and Norman S. Fletcher Brinson, Askew, Berry, Seigler, Richardson & Davis LLP, Rome, for city of Atlanta.
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A11A0549; A11A0550; A11A0551

    The Court dismissed for lack of jurisdi an appeal from an order construed as an amendment of an order granting an interlocutory injun

  • May 25, 2011 |

    InsideCounsel’s Transformative Leadership Awards: Snapshots

    The Whos Who of women in the legal profession gathered for InsideCounsels second annual Transformative Leadership Awards ceremony on Tuesday night. The event kicked off with a cocktail reception and dinner, then attendees and award recipients were treated to an evening of celebrations for exceptional women in the legal profession....

    1 minute read

  • May 24, 2011 |

    Transformative Leadership Awards Honorees on How to Succeed in Corporate Law as a Woman

    On May 24, InsideCounsel honored seven women general counsel and law firm partners who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the empowerment of women in corporate law. At the Transformative Leadership Awards dinner, each of the honorees was invited to say a few words about the award and what inspired...

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2011 |

    Press Release: InsideCounsel Magazine's 2011 Transformative Leadership Awards

    Press Contact: Jesse Giuliani, jgiuliani @ sbmedia.com

    1 minute read

  • March 31, 2010 | Alm

    Updated Special Report: Crisis on Wall Street

    As Wall Street's woes continue, Law.com presents ongoing coverage of the financial meltdown from across the globe, with updates on the firms handling the bankruptcies, the fate of in-house legal tea

    1 minute read

  • October 31, 2009 |

    Encryption Prescription

    Encrypting personal information stored in mobile computers would go a long way toward reducing the risk of identity theft. Yet only 52 percent of business ...

    1 minute read

  • October 31, 2009 |

    Court Dismisses ID Theft Claim That Does Not Allege Injury

    Potential future injury not a sufficient claim.

    1 minute read

  • BMW Bank of North Am. v. Short

    Publication Date: 2009-10-30
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Andrews, Gary Blaylock
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Gregory J. Digel and Kelli S. Lott Holland & Knight LLP, Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Charles A. Gower, Columbus, for appellee. Marcus B. Calhoun, Jr. Page Scranton Sprouse Tucker & Ford, F. Houser Pugh, Columbus, and Mary M. Katz Chambless, Higdon & Carson, Macon, for other.

    Case Number: A09A2091

    The arbitrator's finding that the appellant's repossession plaintiff the appellee's vehicle was reckless and outrageous did not amount to manifest disregard of the arbitration agreement's prohibitio

  • City of Atlanta v. Hotels.com LLP

    Publication Date: 2009-04-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court
    Judge: Hunstein, Carol W.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Charles N. Pope, R. Timothy Morrison, Wade H. Tomlinson III, Neal K. Pope, William U. Norwood III, Michael L. McGlamry Pope, McGlamry, Kilpatrick & Morrison, Robert M. Travis, John R. Bielema Jr. and L. Lin Wood Jr. Bryan, Cave, Powell Goldstein LLP, Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: Emmett J. Bondurant Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore LLP, Edward K. Smith, Robin A. Schmahl Jones Day, Atlanta, Carol L. Morris, Alpharetta, James P. Karen, Deborah S. Sloan Jones Day, Dallas, Texas, David F. McDoweel Morrison & Foerster, Darrel J. Hieber Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Los Angeles, Calif., Karen L. Valihura Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Willington, DE, Elizabeth B. Herrington McDermott, Will & Emery LLP and David J. Stagman Katten, Muchin & Rosenman LLP, Chicago, Ill., for appellee. Amicus appellant: Robert C. Lamar, David W. Davenport Lamar, Archer & Cofrin LLP, John W. Crongeyer Vroon & Crongeyer LLP, Susan J. Moore, Ted C. Baggett Georgia Municipal Ass'n, Kevin A. Ross, James F. Grubiak, Michele L. NeSmith, Atlanta, Walter J. Gordon Sr. The Gordon Law Firm, Hartwell, David C. Archer Archer & Lovell PC, Cartersville, Robert M. Brinson, Norman S. Fletcher, J. Anderson Davis, Samuel L. Lucas and Ansel F. Beacham III Brinson, Askew, Berry, Seigler & Richardson, Rome. Amicus appellee: Charles S. Johnson III and Raymond P. Carpenter Holland & Knight LLP, Atlanta.

    Case Number: S08G0568

    The city should not be required to submit to the administrative process set forth in the enabling statutes and hotel t inance, until the threshold legal issue of the applicability of the hotel

  • Nash v. Compass Bank

    Publication Date: 2009-04-10
    Practice Area:
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Adams, A. Harris
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Richard J. Storrs, Atlanta, for appellant.
    for defendant: . Sara L. Doyle and Allen A. Hendrick Holland & Knight LLP, Atlanta, for appellee.

    Case Number: A08A2374

    The appellee showed that the partially completed office park at issue sold for its true value of $2.6 during a foreclosure sale, after the appellant defaulted on a $3.5M