• April 14, 2008 | National Law Journal

    Top Law Schools Tighten Their Hold on NLJ 250 Firms

    A bigger percentage of students graduating from top law schools in 2007 took jobs at a class="linelink" href="http://www.law.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/View&c=LawA

    1 minute read

  • June 23, 2005 | Alm

    Reporters to Plead Case to Supreme Court

    In their ongoing court battle, reporters Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper may be trying to keep their sources confidential and stay out of jail, but larger issues are at stake for the media as

    1 minute read

  • June 3, 2002 | Legal Times

    Nation Builder

    When Mariam Nawabi left Afghanistan in 1979, she was six years old and her family was fleeing the Soviet invasion. Now, at 28, she might return for the first time -- to help the country's inter

    1 minute read

  • February 9, 2010 | The Recorder

    High-Stakes Mortgage Fraud Trial Gets Under Way in San Francisco

    At the heart of a mortgage fraud trial that opened Monday in San Francisco Superior Court are millions of dollars in loans that never should have been made, the lawyer for a family estate told the

    1 minute read

  • April 26, 2010 | National Law Journal

    Push to Avoid 'Judicial Monastery'

    WASHINGTON — So where, exactly, is the "judicial monastery" that Washington keeps talking about these days? And why do so many people want President Obama to steer clear of it w

    1 minute read

  • August 4, 2003 | Legal Times

    D.C. Activist Cleans Up With Dickstein

    A pro bono team from Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky was ready for battle, prepared to defend community activist Steve n against the District of Columbia. But before

    1 minute read

  • October 28, 2002 | Legal Times

    Chart: Women Attorneys

    1 Hogan & Hartson 455/205 174/53 159/52 2 Arnold & Porter 433/159 127/27 108/25 3 Covington & Burling 364/125 92/18 82/16 4 Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering 3

    1 minute read

  • September 13, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    Law Firm Roundup

    Details on Squire Sanders, Hammonds Merger Emerge Squire Sanders & Dempsey chairman James J. Maiwurm is set to become global chairman following his firm's proposed m

    1 minute read

  • May 31, 2000 | The American Lawyer

    In Transit

    The uneventful passing of the Y2K crisis was bad news for law firms hoping to litigate computer crashes, sewage treatment plant failures, and midair crashes until the last dog dies. But it's b

    1 minute read

  • September 8, 2008 | The Recorder

    On the Move

    SAN FRANCISCO Tracy Boxer Zill has joined LUCE, FORWARD, HAMILTON & SCRIPPS as an associate. Zill, who was previously

    1 minute read