• October 16, 2000 | The American Lawyer

    Will the Circle Be Unbroken?

    The Magic Circle: To most Brits that phrase means the professional body of the United Kingdom's conjurers. But to lawyers in the U.K., it refers to an exclusive group of top London firms that

    1 minute read

  • September 14, 2000 | New York Law Journal

    Nigerian Rights Suit Against Shell OK'd by 2nd Circuit

    A lawsuit charging that Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, parent company of Shell Nigeria, aided and abetted the torture and murder of Nigerian activists who opposed oil drilling on their lands w

    1 minute read

  • May 2, 2001 | Texas Lawyer

    Texas' Top 10 Deals of 2000

    � Citigroup Inc. acquisition of Associates First Capital Corp.Description: New York's Citigroup Inc. acquires Associates First Capital Corp. of Dallas in a deal valued at $31 billion.

    1 minute read

  • May 16, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Schiffrin Barroway Helps Secure $2.9 Billion Settlement in Tyco Case

    A nearly $3 billion settlement has been tentatively reached in the Tyco shareholder class action that began some five years ago after former CEO L. Dennis Kozlowski and other top corporate officers

    1 minute read

  • July 26, 2010 | Law.com

    News You Don't Want to Hear

    I don't want to go there, but as your faithful career sherpa, I have no choice but to give you the unvarnished truth about the state of the legal marketplace. You probably know bits and pieces of t

    1 minute read

  • May 14, 2012 | Texas Lawyer

    Texas' Top Deals of 2011

    The following deals were announced in 2011: KINDER MORGAN INC. Acquisition of EL PASO CORP. Description: Kinder Morgan Inc. of Houston plans t

    1 minute read

  • October 27, 2005 | New York Law Journal


    Port Authority Found Liable in 1993 WTC Bombing A jury yesterday found the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey "negligent in not maintaining the World Trade Center

    1 minute read

  • January 13, 2006 | Alm

    Attorneys' Bonuses Increase With Profits

    Associates at several big law firms across the country welcomed the new year with hefty bonuses that were moderately higher than the year before, a reflection of the legal industry's recent pr

    1 minute read

  • May 29, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    How to Handle All Those Free Lunches

    T MAY BE TRUE that this summer is more serious than past ones, and that work quality and getting to know your firm has taken on greater importance. However, being a summer associate is also about s

    1 minute read

  • June 22, 2009 | New York Law Journal

    Experts Say Some Issues Best Handled by Surrogate

    Several trusts and estate experts have questioned the wisdom of the New York County District Attorney's Office making routine probate issues the subject of a criminal proceeding. A few went so

    1 minute read