• March 15, 2005 | Legaltech News

    Past Winners

    Law Firm Awards Winners IT Director 2005 Janine Syl

    1 minute read

  • January 16, 2001 | The American Lawyer


    While several of the U.K.'s biggest firms have opened offices or forged alliances in Italy, most American firms have not yet rushed to settle outposts in this increasingly dynamic market. Stil

    1 minute read

  • December 16, 2009 | The Recorder

    For Varian GC, the World Is Flat

    Varian Medical Systems Inc. was founded in Palo Alto in the 1940s by a group of scientists and inventors. It is now the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating can

    1 minute read

  • June 30, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

    Pro Bono: Good Business, Good for Business

    When it comes to firms, "pro bono is good for business," says Esther Lardent, president of the Pro Bono Institute in Washington, D.C. Lardent says having an established pro bono program helps

    1 minute read

  • February 9, 2004 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . Philip Eisenberg has been elected partner in Locke Liddell & Sapp in Houston. He works on oil, gas and energy matters, as well as in the firm's bankruptc

    1 minute read

  • September 15, 2003 | National Law Journal

    Major European arbitrations

    This survey covers large recent arbitrations with a European connection. The 10 entries consist of resolved or partly resolved disputes and are listed by the amounts at stake ($700 milli

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  • March 14, 2011 | Daily Business Review

    New Partners 2011 by firm name

    This year's class of new partners is heavily weighted toward lateral hires, but there were still plenty of associated who made the grade. This listing is based on submission from area law firms

    1 minute read

  • October 27, 2009 | Texas Lawyer

    Ready, Set, Delay: Most Large Texas Firms Push Back Start Dates

    First-year associates usually begin their full-time careers at BigTex firms as fall begins. They put on their best suits and report to work after they take the Texas Bar Examination and then perhap

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  • April 26, 2004 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Low Visibility

    It's no secret that law firms are caste systems. In the early 1980s, I worked my way through law school as a temp secretary at 18 of San Francisco's biggest firms, and quickly learned an impor

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  • November 3, 2009 | New York Law Journal

    Heller Creditors Seek $150 Million Paid to Partners

    Heller Ehrman's creditors now want $150 million from former partners, contending in a confidential mediation brief that the firm fraudulently conveyed that much to partners after it had become inso

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