• E-Pass Technologies, Inc. v. Moses & Singer, LLP

    Publication Date: 2010-11-05
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-11-05
    Court: C.A. 1st
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: ROSEN SABA, LLP, James R. Rosen and Adela Carrasco for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    for defendant: DUANE MORRIS LLP, Richard Hoffman and Robert L. Fineman; NIXON PEABODY LLP, Isabelle L. Ord; KEKER & VAN NEST LLP, Elliot R. Peters, Wendy J. Thurm and Steven A. Hirsch for Defendants and Respondents.

    Case Number: No. A127025, A127067

    Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 14076E-PASS TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. MOSES & SINGER, LLP, et al.

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