• August 25, 2006 | The Recorder


    Silicon Valley veteran Mary Doyle came to Palm Inc. during a period in 2003 when competitor RIM was locking horns with NTP in a patent dispute that would later be resolved by a $612 million se

    1 minute read

  • June 20, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Facebook Agrees to $10 Mil. Fund to Settle Privacy Suit

    Facebook Inc. and plaintiffs attorneys haveagreed to put $10 million into a fund forprivacy foundations to settle a proposed classaction over the site's "Sponsored Stories" feature, a

    1 minute read

  • Jason Scott Hearst v. Progressive Foam Technologies, Inc.; Bill Larman

    Publication Date: 2011-06-08
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2011-06-08
    Court: 8th Cir.
    Judge: Wollman, Circuit Judge.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 10-1253

    Submitted: January 11, 2011Before WOLLMAN, LOKEN, and SMITH, Circuit Judges.On May 1, 2007, Progressive Foam Technologies (PFT) fired Jason Hearst for job abandonment. Hearst-who had been

  • April 21, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Clemens' Lawyers Dispute Claims of Privilege

    Houston-based criminal defense lawyer Russell Hardin Jr. warned a federal judge in Washington in December that the congressional committee and law firm that investigated drug use in Major League Ba

    1 minute read

  • October 21, 2003 | Alm

    Getting the Most From a Merger: Firms Play the Mating Game

    The ink was barely dry on their merger agreement when the heads of Reed Smith and Crosby Heafey Roach & May began trekking around the country together to woo each other's clients.

    1 minute read

  • December 13, 2010 | National Law Journal


    ON CERTS, SOTOMAYOR IS LEADING DISSENTER In her second term on the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor is dusting off a little-used tradition as

    1 minute read

  • August 1, 2012 | Legaltech News

    iSpy 2012

    Veteran attendees of LegalTech and other legal technology conferences inevitably end up discussing the nuanced

    1 minute read

  • April 1, 2008 | The Recorder

    Naming Names

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger won't release the names of the 60 or so people around the state he uses to vet judicial candidates. Here are 22 of them, as identified by Recorder reporting:

    1 minute read

  • December 15, 2006 | The Recorder

    Former McAfee GC May Face Charges Over Backdating

    Kent Roberts, the former general counsel of McAfee Inc., is the next likely casualty in the ongoing stock option backdating embarrassment. Lawyers familiar with the case said Roberts will p

    1 minute read

  • July 23, 2004 | The Recorder

    Ebay Ruling Punctures Web Liability Shield

    EBay Inc.'s savvy user agreement protects it from liability for defamatory postings on its Web site, an appeal court has ruled. But the court's decision left vulnerable other online content pr

    1 minute read