• Opinion of Edmund G. Brown

    Publication Date: 2010-04-12
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-04-09
    Court: Ca. A.G.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: No. 07-404

    Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 4525EDMUND G. BROWN JR. Attorney GeneralSUSAN DUNCAN LEE Supervising Deputy Attorney GeneralNo. 0

  • Dlugaski v. Port Authority

    Publication Date: 2010-07-08
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx County
    Judge: Justice Kenneth L. Thompson
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Kenneth Dlugaski, by: Devon Reiff, Esq., Sacks And Sacks LLP
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant: Segal McCambridge, Singer & Mahoney, Ltd., by: Simon Lee, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 1 World Trade Center LLC, Tishman Construction Corporation of New York

    Case Number: 307484/09

    Justice Kenneth L. ThompsonDecided: June 30, 2010Attorney for Plaintiff: Kenneth Dlugaski, by: Devon Reiff, Esq., Sacks And Sa

  • March 8, 2004 | Texas Lawyer

    Referral Fee Refrain

    Most of the Texas lawyers testifying at State Bar of Texas hearings on proposed new civil rules that would cap referral fees are sending a clear message to the Texas Supreme Court -- don't mes

    1 minute read

  • Washington Teachers' Union, Local #6 v. District of Columbia Public Schools

    Publication Date: 2008-12-10
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-12-04
    Court: D.C. Ct. App.
    Judge: Reid, Associate Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for appellants: Brenda Zwack, Washington, D.C.
    for defendant: Attorney for appellees: Holly Johnson, D.C. Office of the Attorney General, Washington, D.C.

    Case Number: Nos. 06-CV-1071 and 06-CV-1072

    Argued February 19, 2008Before REID, GLICKMAN, and THOMPSON, Associate Judges.This case involves a dispute as to whether the Superior Court ("the trial court") or the Office of Employee Appeals

  • November 13, 2000 | The Recorder

    MoFo Enters Battle to Protect Crazy Horse's Name

    Despite seven years of litigation, the descendants of the famed Lakota Sioux leader Crazy Horse aren't giving up in a trademark fight with a brewery.In fact, they're stepping up the ba

    1 minute read

  • October 17, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

    Staying Busy With IBM General Counsel Robert Weber

    Robert Weber has been a busy man lately. And that's on top of running IBM's legal department. He's been doing the kinds of things that politicians do during campaign season. He wrot

    1 minute read

  • October 30, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal


    Democracy in Action - Never again darken my courthouse door or grounds with your political speech, decreed Burlington County's top judge last week. Two days after U.S. S

    1 minute read

  • November 14, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Resignations Without Prejudice

    The Supreme Court of New Jersey has accepted the resignations without prejudice of the following attorneys by individual Orders filed pursuant to Rule 1:20-22, from October 1, 2011, through Novembe

    1 minute read

  • Sledge v. Apple Maintenance Services Inc., 20572/07

    Publication Date: 2009-05-26
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-04-23
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings County
    Judge: Jack Battaglia
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 20572/07

    Justice Jack M. Battaglia KINGS COUNTY Supreme Court Plaintiff was represented by Jordana L. Fishman, Esq. of Brecher Fishman Pasternak Walsh Tikler & Ziegler, P.C.

  • May 17, 2006 | Texas Lawyer

    Jury gets Enron case

    By Brenda Sapino Jeffreys, Texas Lawyer Federal prosecutor Sean Berkowitz told the jury in former Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling's crimin

    1 minute read