has embarked on a yearlong investigation into mental health across every sector of the legal profession. Over the course of 12 months, we will aim to shine a light on mental health, addiction, stress and well-being; destigmatize the issue; and identify methods to effectuate change.
Jay Harrington | March 11, 2020
If you’re not careful, time will start moving so fast that the next decade of your life will become an indistinguishable blip marked only by fuzzy memories of late nights at the office.
Kathleen Pearson | February 03, 2020
The Chief Human Resources Officer at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman writes that as human professionals and as human beings in a human industry, we must ask ourselves, “What are we going to do about this pervasive problem?”
Peter Nemerovski | January 30, 2020
The mental health crisis in the legal profession is real. Conventional medicine helps thousands of lawyers with mental illness lead successful, productive lives. To suggest otherwise is dangerous.
Patrick Krill | December 18, 2019
Failing to set boundaries—and as a result not giving yourself enough time to rest, recharge and recover—can increase the risk of mental health problems.
John F. Hollway | December 11, 2019
It’s not the number of hours we’re billing or the number of hours we’re working; it’s the way we feel about how we spend those hours that matters.
Olivia Seet | December 04, 2019
A variety of factors are leading to grim statistics, but one major obstacle to mental health treatment in Asian countries is the cultural attitudes that have persisted for decades.
Kimberly Leach Johnson and Lisa Smith | December 23, 2019
It’s on law firm leaders to ensure our attorneys and staff get the support, resources and understanding they need to develop and maintain healthy professional lives—and to address unhealthy habits.
Jonathan Jordan | September 30, 2019
Distinct from meditation, the concept means going off autopilot and reaction mode and being aware and tuned in to your body, your environment or your task.
Jay Harrington | September 15, 2019
Good things don’t happen despite the bad ones. They happened because of them. Put another way, the only way to succeed is to fail.
Renee Branson | September 23, 2019
These professionals come from a variety of backgrounds with a wide breadth of knowledge and experience and with credentials in vastly different things.
Patrick Krill | September 10, 2019
A broader view of helping lawyers and legal staff means recognizing that the struggle with depression, anxiety or substance abuse is likely to touch loved ones.
Jana Cohen Barbe | July 31, 2019
Jana Cohen Barbe argues the industry needs to revamp the billable hour structure, change the performance metrics it tracks and look at compensation in a different way.
Patrick Krill | June 12, 2019
Do we have a very long way to go? Of course. But it is imperative that we don’t allow our collective perfectionism or skepticism to become the enemy of the good by minimizing gains made.
Sheryl Odentz | June 03, 2019
The situation can be emotionally devastating, but there are avenues to find help.
Marcie Borgal Shunk | May 23, 2019
With the mindfulness movement sweeping the nation, it is natural to wonder how law firms are contributing to the lawyer experience.
James Dolan | May 12, 2019
With so much pressure from their jobs, lawyers' often don't have time or the mental capacity to deal with their personal relationships. Psychotherapist James Dolan, who treats a number of lawyers, calls it Work Induced Alienation Syndrome.
Leigh Jones | May 12, 2019
As part of our Minds Over Matters series, here is contact information for organizations that can help if you or someone you know needs assistance with a mental health challenge.
Brian Cuban | September 03, 2019
"I still fall into wearing a mask now and then, but I have better tools to recognize it and center my true self," Brian Cuban writes.
John Hollway | July 07, 2019
Penn Law associate dean John Hollway says programs and policies that help legal professionals cope with the normal stresses of life as they arise are the most effective, noting wellness is a spectrum.
Gina Passarella Cipriani | May 12, 2019
Our board members share powerful stories, in their own words, about their experiences and what they hope to change.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | February 28, 2020
Journalist Eilene Zimmerman, the ex-wife of a Wilson Sonsini partner who died of a drug overdose about five years ago, shares what she learned about Big Law culture in researching her new book "Smacked: A Story of White-Collar Ambition, Addiction and Tragedy."
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | November 27, 2019
Adam Markel, a lawyer who now writes and speaks about mental health fitness, talks with Gina Passarella, editor-in-chief of affiliate The American Lawyer, about making small life changes to achieve self-care in the demanding profession of practicing law.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | November 15, 2019
Lisa Smith, who started her path to recovery 15 years ago, says there's a "myth" about the so-called high-functioning alcoholic.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | October 04, 2019
As part of our Minds Over Matters project, reporter Dylan Jackson focuses on how legal professionals, including marketing directors, business developers and law firm administrators, often feel under-appreciated and misunderstood at work.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | August 16, 2019
“Resilience” doesn’t mean “endurance.” It involves taking care of ourselves so that we’re in the best position to survive—and thrive—amid the intense demands of practicing law.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | May 12, 2019’s Minds Over Matters project seeks to shed light on the mental health challenges in the legal profession. In this episode of Legal Speak, you'll hear from journalists who have covered news involving lawyers suffering from mental health problems and their takeaways from handling those stories.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | May 18, 2018
Steven Wall, managing partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, says this was his turning point: "The cracks were getting bigger and everything else around me was beginning to fail."
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | October 12, 2018
A Baker Hostetler lawyer discusses her depression, and Latham & Watkins' COO talks about what her firm is doing to dispel the stigma of mental health challenges.
Leigh Jones Vanessa Blum | November 16, 2018
What factors drive high-achieving lawyers to the take their own lives and what needs to change inside law firms to address the problem? Sullivan & Cromwell associate-turned-therapist Will Meyerhofer provides his insight.
Leigh Jones | October 15, 2019
The efforts some firms and schools are undertaking to tackle the mental health problems in the legal profession are commendable. But until we stop perceiving each other as a threat, the profession will continue to suffer at rates higher than in similar occupations.
Gina Passarella Cipriani | June 30, 2019
Law firms are trying, associates aren't buying it and there may be a bigger fix needed than any individual contingent can offer.
Gina Passarella Cipriani Leigh Jones | May 12, 2019
Why our entire global newsroom is spending the next 12 months diving into issues surrounding the profession’s well-being.
Dr. Marny Morrison Turvill | January 17, 2020
The three foundational pillars of health are body, mind and environment.
Marny Morrison Turvill | January 10, 2020
Ian Turvill was coping with his struggles until he wasn’t, his wife Dr. Marny Turvill explains. From her painful experience, she offers tips to individuals for making positive changes.
Jennifer Breen | June 05, 2019
In a noisy world, loosening the ties to your devices can lead to better attorney well-being and improved lawyering.
Hannah Roberts | May 15, 2019
"Whether you care about the business or about the person, it’s essential that we find a way to look after that person.” Clifford Chance partner Jeremy Connick shares his personal journey of mental health recovery.
Mark S. Goldstein | February 12, 2019
Reed Smith counsel Mark Goldstein wasn't sure he could both be a lawyer and have mental health disabilities. But he learned how to survive and thrive in Big Law.
Joanna Litt | November 12, 2018
The wife of Sidley Austin partner Gabe MacConaill shares her story.
Joseph Milowic III | March 28, 2018
Struggling to find meaning in your work? Lacking motivation? Thinking about quitting? Please read this first.
Dylan Jackson | March 04, 2020
The new campaign aims to take on the harmful misconceptions surrounding mental illness that may hold back some from seeking help.
Lizzy McLellan | February 19, 2020
ALM’s latest Mental Health and Substance Abuse Survey shows that the problems of depression, anxiety and substance abuse among lawyers and legal professionals may be worse than realized. At the same time, more people in the profession seem open to addressing it. Staff | February 19, 2020
In this infographic, we let the power of the numbers tell the story of mental health in the legal profession.
Gina Passarella Cipriani | February 11, 2020
"It's hard to imagine addressing lawyer mental health and wellness without addressing the operational model of billable hours—to expect someone to not be depressed billing every six minutes," said Eilene Zimmerman, author of the new book "Smacked."
David Thomas | January 27, 2020
Brant Bishop, 50, stepped back from his high-stakes litigation career this month to embrace more time with his family. "For now the plan is to not really have much of a plan," he said.
Ross Todd | January 22, 2020
“I need to have metrics behind it that show the success,” said Kathleen Pearson, the chief human resources officer at Pillsbury, speaking on a panel as part of a daylong Conference Board event on mental health and addiction issues in the legal profession at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati's San Francisco office.
Dan M. Clark | December 09, 2019
In a brief letter sent to state court officials, 14 deans of the 15 law schools in New York state said the inquiry should be stripped from the state’s application.
Angela Morris | November 21, 2019
The idea behind a gratitude practice is easy enough: It means taking time to think intentionally about positive events and people in your life.
Dan M. Clark | November 04, 2019
The legislative proposal follows a meeting Saturday from the New York State Bar Association’s governing body, which voted to recommend that the state stop asking applicants about their mental health.
Karen Sloan | October 23, 2019
Attorney coach and UCLA law lecturer Judith Gordon discusses why law school is so stressful, and what students can do to manage their classroom anxieties.
Rhys Dipshan | October 08, 2019
Cincinnati-based lawyer Gary Powell has been meditating for over a decade. Now, he wants to bring his experiences to the broader legal market through his Legally Mindful app. But can attorneys keep calm while working?
Raychel Lean | October 09, 2019
U.S. Army veteran and law student Julius Hobbs claims the Florida Board of Bar Examiners has breached a settlement agreement by asking him to appear at an investigative hearing, but the board says it is within its rights to do so.
Dan M. Clark | October 30, 2019
It’s estimated that fewer than 2% of applicants even answer affirmatively to the question about mental health. But statistics indicate that the population of law school students who actually deal with challenges to their mental health is much greater, according to the report.
Jonathan Ringel | September 11, 2019
The numbers are on pace to double the number of users from 2017.
Kristen Rasmussen | August 25, 2019
In the almost year since the American Bar Association unveiled its seven-point framework designed to help combat substance abuse and other mental health problems in the legal profession, only five in-house departments have made the commitment: 3M, Barclays, Cummins, U.S. Bank and VMWare.
Dylan Jackson | August 12, 2019
Recent suicides have highlighted the degree to which law firm professional staff face many of the same pressures as their lawyer colleagues, yet many feel they are being neglected.
Meganne Tillay | August 20, 2019
Karina Furga-Dabrowska's appointment comes less than a year after she launched the firm's mindfulness program NextMind.
Karen Sloan | August 05, 2019
From student-led wellness groups to lobbying efforts to remove mental health questions from admissions applications, law students are taking the lead in pushing for more robust mental health support.
Paul Hodkinson | July 23, 2019
Big Law partners-turned-psychologists argue counseling sessions for all lawyers at key points in their careers could make all the difference in improving mental health and burnout in the profession.
Kristen Rasmussen | July 18, 2019
Prompted by a LinkedIn post by NetApp GC Matt Fawcett, in-house leaders push back on attorneys’ allegations that corporate law departments are to blame for the mental health crisis in the legal profession.
Caroline Spiezio | July 14, 2019
Lawyers said many in-house counsel aren't thinking about their impact on the mental health of outside counsel—but they should be.
Christine Simmons | July 11, 2019
Coaches, conferences and apps geared toward improving lawyer well-being are increasingly available, partly sparked by an American Bar Association pledge last year.
Dan Packel | June 17, 2019
Forty firms out of the Am Law 200 offered details on the steps they're taking to improve mental health and wellness among attorneys and staff.
Lizzy McLellan | May 30, 2019
A "'power-through' culture is killing the legal industry. It’s literally killing humans as well," one wellness consultant said.
Dan Packel | May 29, 2019
The firm on Wednesday named Robin Belleau its first firmwide director of well-being. "People come to us when they’re in need, so it’s very difficult for a lawyer then to say, 'I actually need help,'" she said.
Lizzy McLellan | May 28, 2019
“The things that make you successful professionally can make you sick emotionally,” says wellness consultant Jarrett Green.
Lizzy McLellan | May 27, 2019
“If they had just given me a couple days to sleep for 15 hours, I would have been a different person,” said one attorney-turned psychotherapist.
Raychel Lean | May 22, 2019
Clients call for help because the worst has happened. And for their lawyers, dealing with the aftermath can become a trauma of its own — leading…
Patrick Smith | May 22, 2019
Yale University professor Laurie Santos, who teaches a wildly popular course on happiness, says that in order to be happy, lawyers need to work at it.
Victoria Hudgins | June 18, 2019
After seeing the pressures of legal work take a toll on attorneys, a growing number of legal professionals are launching mental health apps and resources to provide a helping hand.
Susan DeSantis | June 10, 2019
"Time in law school is marked by extreme stress, anxiety, overwhelming expectations and financial uncertainty," New York Bar Association President Henry Greenberg said in a call to action. "Many students admit they are not seeking help because they are concerned that doing so will negatively impact their bar admission."
Lizzy McLellan Dan Packel Dylan Jackson Susan DeSantis | May 12, 2019
Attorneys in every type of practice may struggle with poor mental health and substance abuse. Here are five lawyers from all different backgrounds who found support to overcome their illnesses.
Christine Simmons | July 03, 2019
His mother said Matthew had been struggling with mental health issues for about five years, since he suffered a concussion from playing college football.
Hannah Roberts | May 13, 2019
LawCare is launching a webchat service in July that aims to reach out to more younger people in the legal profession.
Jonathan Ringel | July 29, 2019
Georgia's application asks a nearly identical question to one asked by Connecticut bar examiners, who recently settled an ADA complaint with the U.S. attorney there.
Presented by BigVoodoo
Legal Speak is a weekly podcast that makes sense of what’s happening in the legal industry.